ZaK F.A.Q. - How to check in and check-out?

Check-in can only be done when the guest's arrival date is on or before today. In the same way, check-out can only be done wen the guest's departure date is on or after today. There are more ways in ZaK to check in and check out. Let's see them together!

1. From the Reception

The easiest way is from the Reception section, where you find a list of all reservations for today, including check-in, check-out and in-house guests:

↳ Link: ZaK > Reservations > Reception

By clicking on the  next to each reservation, a box will open to check-in and check-out:

From this page, you can also open and fill in the guest's registration page. Just click on the menu icon and then on "Registration Page":

2. From the Planner

Another easy way to check-in/out is straight from the Planner. Just click on the reservation and then on the icon to mark guests as arrived/departured:

Also from the Planner it's possible to open and fill in the guest's registration page:

3. From the reservation detail

Finally, check-in/out can be done from the reservation detail, by clicking on the icon at "ROOMS" section:

In case you have more guests in the same reservation, or in case guests of the same reservation have different dates, you can check-in/out individually. You will find the specific icon next to the name of each guest. You can tick as arrived/departed only the guests you want, e.g. in the picture below only Mario Rossi has arrived, Anna Rossi not yet:

4. From the fast link "Checkin/Checkout/Extras"

Finally, you can also use the fast link you always find on the right:

Now you'll find all arrivals, departures and in-house reservations. Or you can search a reservation from the search band. Then click on the specific icon next to a reservation:

You can tick the box to mark the guest as arrived or departed. Or, in case of several guests, you can simply mark them all as arrived/departed: