ZaK - Templates: your text models (OBSOLETE)

In this page you can create custom templates that can be used in some Zak sections or to send emails to your guests, automatically or manually.
Currently you can create templates for:

  • Reservation messaging
  • Guest Page
  • Registration Card
  • Fiscal documents messaging
  • Fiscal documents messaging - without reservation
  • Online Reception
  • Feedbacks
  • Guarantee
  • CRM

The section can be reached by clicking the link below:

↳ Useful Link:  ZaK > Settings > Templates

1. Reservation Messaging

Here there is a template for each reservation status. The default templates (those with ) are not editable, but you can make a copy (by clicking on ) and then edit it (by clicking on ). You can also create completely new templates, by clicking on the top right on ADD NEW TEMPLATE.

When creating/editing a template, you can use the Keywords on the right to automatically insert elements related to the reservation (i.e guest name, dates, amounts, cancellation policy, etc). Below is an example of creating a new template:

So here you can then create templates to send automatically to your guests by email. The automatism can be set at the following link:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Settings > Communication

☞ Docs: ZaK - Communication: automatic and manual emails

2. Online Check-in

Here you can create a Welcome Message to be displayed in the Guest Page (the page where he can see a summary of his reservation, fill in online check-in, purchase extras, etc):

Once created, you need to apply it for the Online Check-in page. You can do that at the following link:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Settings > Configurations > CheckIn Online

3. Registration card

In this section you can create templates to configure the guests Registration Card. Specifically, you can create a header, a body and a footer:

Once created, you need to apply them for the Registration Card. You can do that at the following link:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Settings > Configurations > Registration Card

4. Fiscal documents messaging

5. Fiscal documents messaging - without reservation

In these two sections you can create templates to be sent together with your fiscal documents. You can create one for each type of document (invoice, receipt, etc). They can be created both for normal documents (that you issue from reservations) and for documents not linked to a reservation:

This way, when you're sending the document to the guest by email, you can choose to add the specific template. In the example, I'm sending the invoice to Mario Rossi with the "Invoice sending" template:

6. Online Reception

Here you can create templates to use for your Online Reception, specifically to send quotes to your guests:

Once created, you can use it in the following section. More info are in the documentation below:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Estimates

☞ Docs: ZaK - Estimates for your potential guests

7. Feedbacks

This section allows you to create templates to request feedback from your guests. You can create one for each situation:

Once created, you can use it in the following section. More info are in the documentation below:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Settings > Configurations > Feedbacks

☞ Docs: ZaK - Feedbacks: Ask your customers' opinion

8. Guarantee

Finally, here you can configure text templates for guarantee requests, namely for the first invitation to guarantee the reservation, for the reminder and for the automatic cancellation of the reservation:

Once created, you can use it in the following section. More info are in the documentation below:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Products > Policies > Guarantee Methods

☞ Docs: ZaK - Guarantee Methods for Reservations

9. CRM

Finally, here you can configure your templates to be used in zCrm, Zak quotation system. You can create a template for rejecting customer requests, one for sending an offer to customers and one for the welcome message to be displayed within the quote detail.

Once created, you can use them to work with zCrm. You can find the specific documentation here: