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Limit of OTA Updates

The OTAs require you to upgrade for a fixed amount of time, which is a maximum number of days, starting from the date of the update, in which data cannot be modified via XML.

Basically, for each given channel, you can't send an upgrade for more than number of days indicated below.

  • Atrapalo 300 days

  • BbPlanet 240 days

  • Expedia 330 days

  • HostelsClub 300 days

  • 300 days

  • InItalia 300 days

  • itwg 300 days

  • Splendia 360 days

  • Traveleu 320 days

  • Venere 300 days

  • LateRooms 365 days


Other channel don't have an update limits.

Every first day of the month an upgrade is sent and it alignes all the days that are eligible to be updated.