The "Payments" section allows you to search and view the list of your payments, both received and made. The page is in fact divided into two sections - Incoming and Outgoing - and can be reached from the following menu:
↳ Useful link: ZaK > Finance > Payments
Here you will find a list of all incoming payments that you recorded in Zak. At the top you can filter by period and by paid or unpaid status. Unpaid refers to those payments with a future date that have yet to be collected.
If you click on "Advanced Search" instead, you will find further filters:
- Agency/Corporate
- Payment Type (cash, credit card, etc.)
- Amount (from... to...)
- Cancellation Status: if you only want to view payments with cancelled or non-cancelled status (both scheduled and collected)
- Document Number: you can type here the number of the document linked to that payment
- Source Type: to search only for payments recorded within a reservation, within Kylix, from the Cashflow page or when issuing a document
- Reservation Code: you can type here the reservation code in which you recorded that payment
- Team User: to find only payments recorded by a specific user (if you use the Zak Team tool)
- Customer
- Room tag
Here you will find a list of all outgoing payments. The filters are the same as in the "Incoming" section, only the document number is missing, as in Zak outgoing payments are never associated with a document. In the "source type" filter there are only two possibilities: reservation or CashFlow. Because the outgoing payments can either be withdrawals that you have recorded in CashFlow or refunds that you have recorded within reservations.
Search Results
Once started the search, you will find the number of results and the "show total amounts" button:
By clicking on it, you will display the total amount of recorded payments. If you use several currencies, you will find the total for each one. By default, deleted payments are also counted. If you want to exclude them, just tick the specific option:
In the table below you will find all the results, which you can export to CSV by clicking the EXPORT button on the top right.
The columns includes several information, specifically:
- Created: date on which the payment was registered. By clicking on it, you can sort the results in ascending or descending order.
- Paid: date on which the payment was actually paid. In the case of scheduled payments, this date will be different from the creation date.
: date on which the payment is expected to be received (in the case of scheduled payments)
- Source Type: where that payment was registered. If it comes from a reservation, you will find the clickable reservation code.
Client: customer or agency or corporate associated to that payment.
Documents: document to which that payment is associated (if any)
- Remarks: If there is a note for that payment, you will find a sheet icon. Hovering over it will display the text of the note.
- Type: payment method (cash, credit card, etc.).
Team User: user who registered that payment, if you use the Zak Team tool.
Amount: amount of the payment, with its currency .
: if it is a cancelled payment, you will find a red X in this column.
- Actions: here you can perform some actions, such as opening the linked reservation(s), exporting that payment, or marking the payment as paid (in case it is scheduled).