This statistics section allows you to analyze your reservation data and customer information. To access it, click on the top right icon
and then "Stats". Now click on the "OCCUPANCY" tab at the top:
↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Stats > Occupancy
First of all, remember that you have all the filters (both on the left and at the top) described in the specific documentation:
☞ Docs: Zak - Statistics and filters
At the top of the page there is a chart which always shows two indicators by default: Daily occupancy and Sold rooms. However, from the "Data in chart" field you can choose which indicators you want to see:
In addition, as already mentioned in the filters article, in the "Group by" field you can choose how to display the data: by day, month, year or by hot dates (created on Planner and zView):
By clicking on the icon
you can choose to hide the graph, if you only want to check the table below.
Data by nationality and residence country
The "Group by" field mentioned above also allows you to display results by customer nationality or residence, which may not match. For example, a customer might be Italian, but resident in the United States. You can therefore choose the parameter you prefer.
If you have not registered the country of one or more customers, then they will be included in the group
Please note that, when grouping by nationality/residence, less data will be shown in the table as not all can be grouped by country.
The grouping by nationality/residence will affect both the graph and the table. For example:
At the top you can choose how many countries to display in the graph (all will be shown in the table anyway). You can choose to display all of them, only the 10 highest/lowest performing or the 3 highest/lowest performing. The performance is defined based on the Rooms Revenue.
For each day/month/year, the table shows the following indicators:
Daily arrivals: Number of guests arriving in the selected period.
- Sold occupancy: Number of beds occupied by a reservation in the selected period.
- Available occupancy: Number of beds that were available for sale at the moment, including those with reservations. Closed ones are excluded.
- Occupancy rate: Percentage ratio between sold and available beds.
- Average room occupancy: Average number of people staying in your property in the selected period.
- Average lenght of stay: Average number of nights that customers spent in your property in the selected period.
- Revenue per Occupied Bed: Percentage ratio between revenue generated by rooms and sold beds.
- Revenue per Available Bed: Percentage ratio between revenue generated by the rooms and available beds.
- Unique guests: Number of unique guests who stayed at your property in the selected period. In this case, the guests you have actually registered are taken into account. If a guest has stayed multiple times, he is only counted once.
NOTE: For all values, except for "Unique Guests", the default room occupancy is taken into account, not the guests you have actually registered.