This statistics section allows you to check more information on all the reservations you have received. To access it, click on the top right icon
and then "Stats". Now click on the "RESERVATIONS" tab at the top:
↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Stats > Reservations
First of all, remember that you have all the filters (both on the left and at the top) described in the specific documentation:
☞ Docs: ZaK - Statistics and filters
At the top of the page there is a chart which always shows the total number of received reservations and the number of confirmed reservations by default. However, from the "Data in chart" field you can choose which indicators you want to see:
In addition, as already mentioned in the filters article, in the "Group by" field you can choose how to display the data: by day, month, year or by hot dates (created on Planner and zView):
By clicking on the icon
you can choose to hide the graph, if you only want to check the table below.
For each day/month/year, the table shows the following indicators:
- Total reservations: Total number of received reservations for the selected period: confirmed, option, offer, cancelled and no-show.
- Confirmed reservations: Number of reservations with confirmed status.
Option reservations: Number of reservations with option status (included those expired).
- Offer reservations: Number of reservations with offer status (included those expired).
No-show reservations: Number of reservations with cancelled status due to no-show.
- Cancelled reservations: Number of reservations with cancelled status.
- No-show rate: Percentage ratio between no-show reservations and the total number of received reservations.
- Cancellation rate: Percentage ratio between cancelled reservations and the total number of received reservations.
- Booking window: How far in advance customers book: the time between a customer books a room and arrives at the property for the stay.
Reservations list
By hovering your mouse over the results in the table, you will see the list of involved reservations that generated that result. This works only if at the top you choose to group results by "day" or "hot dates". For example: