ZaK - Mini Site: Application of contents to pages

In this article we'll see which Contents you can apply on each Page of your Mini Site (Home, Info, Accommodations, etc) and how they will be displayed online.

It is therefore necessary to have first created the Contents in the section below, with the help of the specific documentation:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Mini Site > Contents

☞ Docs: ZaK - Mini Site: Contents


Here you can configure:

  • you Mini Site's Welcome Message. It will be displayed in the "Home" page and only the title (i.e. Lake Luis Hotel) and the subtitle (i.e. The Brightness of the Lake) will be shown. Just if you click on it, also the body will be displayed.

  • one or more contents, displayed immediately below the welcome message. By clicking on "show more", they will be opened on another page and also the body will be shown.


Here you can configure:

  • one or more contents for the "Info" page, such as info about your property, your zone, fairs, events, etc.

  • In addition, on the "Info" page, you can also show the Services that your property offers. They will be shown at the bottom, below the contents, for example:

In order to be displayed, they should first be configured at the following section:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Contents > Services


Here you can configure:

  • which room types must be shown in the "Accommodations"page. For each you can define a starting price. The images, descriptions and amenities of each accommodation can be configured at the following link:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Contents

  • one or more contents, which will be displayed below the accomodations.


Here you can configure:

  • a Main Content, displayed in the "Contacts" page below your property's address:

  • directions on how to reach your property, which requires the Latitude and Longitude. In this way the "Contacts" section will show the exact location on the map! You can generate your coordinates with these free online tools:

  • one or more contents, displayed below the "How to reach us" section.


Here you just need to configure the SEO information, nothing else. The Online Reception integration in the Mini Site can be set in another section:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Mini Site > Settings

☞ Docs: ZaK - Mini Site: Settings


Here, again, you just need to configure the SEO information and nothing else. Feedback can be enabled/disabled in another section:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Mini Site > Settings

☞ Docs: ZaK - Mini Site: Settings


Here you can set:

  • a content where you explain your Privacy Policy. It will be displayed at the bottom, in the footer, where you'll find the "Privacy" button. By clicking on it, the user will see the whole content:


The footer is always shown in all sections, including the Home. You can configure:

  • one or more contents, displayed in the footer. Exactly, the title and the subtitle will be shown. By clicking on it, the user will the the whole content:

  • your preferences about what to show in the footer. You can choose whether to show the property's email address and phone number, the property's address, and links to social networks:
