WooDoo - Reservations fetching and data updating

Reservation fetching

The timing for downloading reservations from the various portals depend on the type of technology used by the portal to send them to us.

Full-push: reservations are sent to WooDoo by the OTA with all their data. The integration is almost immediate (maximum it takes a few tens of seconds).

Some channels that use this method are: AirBnb, Expedia, HRS, Hotelbeds.

Semi-push: The OTA only sends WooDoo a notification that a booking has been created or changed or canceled. When notifications are received, WooDoo requests the complete download of the booking information and then integrates it. Also in this case, the time that elapses between the notification of the portal and the integration of the booking on WooDoo is a few tens of seconds.
Some channels that use this method are: Agoda, HostelsClub.

Massive fetch (no push): with regular time intervals, WooDoo requests the OTA to download the reservations for all the connected properties (more information in the dedicated paragraph below).

Some channels that use this method are: Booking.com (every 18 seconds), HostelWorld Group, InItalia.

Simple fetch (no push): the OTA does not send WooDoo a notification following the entry of a reservation, but WooDoo requests the OTA to download the reservations of a single property. The frequency of this type of request is managed by the WooDoo engine and varies in the interval of a few seconds up to 8 minutes.

Some channels that use this method are: BBPlanet, Bed-And-Breakfast.it, BedAndBreakfast.eu, Italcamel.

Data updating

The timing of the contingency update by the Woodoo Channel Manager on the various portals, on the other hand, depends on the traffic to which the servers are subjected, but in normal operating conditions it is on average from a few seconds to 2 minutes.

The Woodoo Channel Manager allows you to check the status and outcome of each update sent.

☞ Docs: Check for updates

The OTAs impose a maximum limit on the time frame that a channel manager can update: that is, they indicate the maximum number of days in which the data can be modified by the Channel Manager.

In practice, it is not possible to update dates in advance of more than a certain period, which varies from channel to channel. The length of this period does not depend on the channel manager: to know it you should contact the OTA concerned directly.
In the first week of each month, WooDoo sends an automatic update for the months that gradually become available.

! ATTENTION ! If you intend to create settings for periods further away than the maximum updatable period, you must do them directly from the extranet: or, as a precaution, you can close all the most distant periods on the extranet, and let the channel manager update them automatically from month to month.