ZaK - Rooms Report

Within the zView, among other functions, you can also find the Rooms Report. First of all, the zView can be accessed from the following link:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Reservations > zView

☞ Docs: ZaK - zView

To view the Rooms Report, click on the icon inside the zView and then on "Rooms Report":

Or you can access it by clicking on the icon on the top right and then on "Rooms":

First, at the top you must select the day for which you want to generate the report. You can also filter by arrivals, departures and in-house. In addition, you can filter by whether you want to display the report from customers or from reservations.

If you choose reservations, you can also filter by reservations without notes or with notes:

As you can see in the image above, for the selected day the report shows:

  • the reservations you have
  • the board of each reservation
  • the room setup assigned to each room, if any
  • the dates of each reservation and the number of nights
  • the room types booked and their physical rooms
  • the occupancy these rooms
  • the guests registered in each room
