ZaK - Rooms and Products Ordering

This section should be used simply to order your room types and products.

☞ Docs: ZaK - Room Categories

☞ Docs: ZaK - Products

The section can be reached from the following link:

↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Settings > Configurations > Orderings

The page is divided into three subsections: Room Categories, Physical Rooms and Products.


The subsection "Room Categories" allows you to sort your room types for sections such as YouBook (choice of rooms when creating a reservation) or zCrm (choice of rooms when creating a quote):


The subsection "Rooms" allows you to define the order of your rooms for the Planner and the zView:

☞ Docs: ZaK - Planner

☞ Docs: ZaK - zView


The subsection "Products", on the other hand, allows you to define the order of your products for Tabla and for Sytar:

☞ Docs: ZaK - Tabla

☞ Docs: ZaK - Sytar
