ZaK - Templates: your text models (NEW)



On this page you can create, also with the help of ChatGPT's artificial intelligence, text templates to be used in some sections of Zak or for automatic and manual sending of emails to your guests.

Currently, it is possible to create templates based on 5 modules:

  •   Module for reservations
  •   Module for estimates in zCrm
  •   Module for estimate requests in zCrm
  •   Module for fiscal documents
  •   Module for payments

Each module will make a different variety of keywords available during writing.

Several buttons are visible at the top of the page to filter the messages created. They can be filtered by:

  •   Category
  •   Module
  •   Channels
  •   Name of the template

The section can be reached by clicking the link below:

Useful link:  ZaK > Settings > Text Modules

Initially, the section will appear empty, and as new text templates are created, they will be shown here.

Each text template created can be arranged in one of 18 available categories, each of them individually customizable,
You can change the names of the categories by clicking on the gear button at the top of the screen:

Creating new text models

By clicking on the "Add New Message" button at the top of the page, you can create a new message, you can choose a name, one of the 5 available modules, the messaging channels on which you will be able to send the message (Email, WhatsApp, Sms), and the category of the message.

Once you have made these choices, you can save the template for later modification, or proceed directly to writing.

About the writing of the models

When opening a text template for editing, the first choice available will be the message language.

Once you have chosen the language, the text editor will open.
Within it you can write your email, entering a subject and your text.
Now you can also insert images and attachments.

But the most innovative feature is the ability to generate a text model in seconds, with the help of ChatGPT's generative AI!
Clicking on the button in the lower left corner of the text editor will open a window where you can ask the AI to generate a text model, either based on predefined prompts (chosen according to the message module you choose), or by asking via a direct and more detailed prompt, then pressing "Enter" on the keyboard.

When the answer is done generating, you will be able to accept the text and move on to editing, or try again with the same prompt, or a completely different one.

Very often, the text generated by ChatGPT will include keywords such as "[Hotel name]" or "[Customer name]", these are not compatible with ZaK's keywords, and should be replaced with the software's native keywords, shown below.


As mentioned in the introduction, each module makes a certain set of keywords available, related to the type of message you are going to write.

You can call up the list of available keywords by pressing the key combination 'Alt + K' on the keyboard within the text editor.
Keywords are grouped into the following categories:

  • Property info - (property)
  • Reservation info - (reservation)
  • Booker info - (booker)
  • Services - (services)
  • Amounts of services (Rooms, Extras etc.) - (amount)
  • Useful links - (links)
  • Estimate info - (estimate)
  • Estimate request info - (request)
  • Contact info of who makes an estimate request - (contact)
  • Document info - (document)
  • Document recipient -  (target)
  • Document sender - (emitter)
  • Payment info - (payment)
  • Amounts of the payment - (amount)