Mandatory costs are displayed during the reservation process. Unlike Extras, mandatory costs are charged to the customer while booking. This is why it is important that they are clearly indicated and visible in your Online Reception. Let's see together how to create and set up your mandatory costs!
Costs creation
You must first create your mandatory costs as if they were extras, in the section below. Remember to define whether the cost is per room, per person or una tantum:
↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Products > Extra
Costs activation
Now you have to enable them as mandatory costs for the Online Reception, in the section below. On the left side choose which costs to enable, for which rooms/super products and if it is daily. If each room has a different mandatory cost, then you can create as many mandatory costs as many rooms you have. Then you can enable each cost for the specific room.
NOTE: You can also set a specific mandatory cost for Super Products.
↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Sales > Online Reception > Mandatory Costs
Once enabled, in the centre you can edit it by clicking the icon
or set a validity period by clicking the icon
By default the mandatory cost will always be valid. But if you set one or more validity periods, it will only be visible when the guest searches for stays matching those validity periods:
How and where are they shown?
Mandatory costs will be shown to the guest during reservation, in a different way depending on the level you set at Products > Extras. Let's take the €25 "Final Cleaning" cost as an example.
1) Per room
The guest selects the dates and the mandatory cost is shown immediately, under each room. If it is daily, it will be calculated according to the number of nights. In the following example the reservation is for one night only, so we see 25€:
2) Per person
Again, the guest selects the dates and the mandatory cost is shown immediately, under each room. If it is daily, it will be calculated according to the number of nights. In this case the cost is calculated according to the occupancy selected by the guest during the search. In the example it is 2 adults, so we see €50:
3) Una tantum
On the other hand, the una tantum cost is not shown immediately under each room. Because it is not a cost based on the number of rooms, it is just a una tantum cost. So you could also add 3 rooms to the cart, but that cost would only be added once. That is why it is shown directly in the cart, in the dedicated item: