ZaK App - Planner

By popular demand, the Planner makes its return in the new ZaK App!

To open it, just click on the new button in the “More” section of the app:

The visual is very similar to that of the web planner: on the left are visible the room categories with their respective physical rooms, while at the top you can see the dates going from left to right.

Each room/date pairing corresponds to a cell, which can either contain a reservation (White Card) or a closure (represented by the padlock).

Alternatively, if the room is free, the box appears light blue with a “+” symbol.

You can change the date loaded on the planner using the button in the upper left corner:

Important note:

Reservations do not appear to be in between days as in the web version.

To mark the check-out date, there is a dark, triangular-shaped flap pointing to the actual check-out date:

In addition, the bottom bar of the reservation can take on various colors depending on the status of the reservation.
It can appear black (No action performed), green (Check-in done), red (Check-out done).

Just as in the web version, a variety of actions can be performed within the app planner :

  1. Create and move reservations ( using tetris);
  2. Manage availability through closures;
  3. Check in/check out in reservations;
  4. Go to reservation details;
  5. Contact the booker.

1. Create and manage reservations

1-1. Create reservations

Click on any blue box in a free room to create a new reservation.

Simply enter the customer and reservation details:

1-2. Manage reservations (Check-in/check-out, Go to detail, Tetris)

Clicking on a reservation card brings up the window with the various actions available, first among them is the ability to check-in or check-out on the reservation:

Alternatively, you can access the reservation detail via the appropriate button.

Also, in comparison with the old app, in this new version Tetris has been included in its full functionality!

By clicking on a reservation and selecting “Move (Tetris)”, the planner will enter Tetris mode, and all boxes into which the selected reservation can be moved to will be highlighted in bright blue color.


Where a reservation cannot be moved, the boxes are faded with a "no-go" symbol.

If the reservation is longer than a single night, it will be shortened in length to allow subsequent days on the same room to be displayed, and to accentuate its current position on the calendar, free boxes on the same row are highlighted in white instead of blue.

Once the new date is chosen, a summary window is displayed where you need to confirm the changes.

Here is the full view of Tetris mode:


2. Opening and closing rooms

By tapping on a empty cell, you can call for a room closure.
You will be able to choose the closing period, assign a name, and add a description if necessary:

Closures are highlighted on the calendar with a padlock on a gray cell.

By clicking on a closure in the planner, you can choose to reopen the room availability:

3. Contacting the booker

As the last option available in the planner, clicking on a reservation card will bring up the button to contact the booker, and all the channels from which you can get in touch will be shown:

If the client's email or phone number is not in the system, the respective options will not be available, will be displayed in gray, and will not be clickable.