ZaK - Global Discounts

Initially, global discounts in ZaK were considered simply a reduction of  the total cost of reservations.
With the ZaK update of 05/11/2024, this feature has been radically expanded!
The new discounts are taken into account in both ZaK Statistics and Documents.
Here's how:

First, if the old type of global discount is already present in any reservation, the following message will appear when you access the dedicated section by clicking the "DISCOUNT" button:

The new global discount system distributes the total discount among all the services in the reservation.
These discounts can be set in 2 ways, manually and automatically, which can be selected interchangeably from the appropriate interface:

1. Manual Global Discounts.

By setting a manual discount, you can choose how much to individually discount each service available in the reservation by simply typing in the discount value:

2. Automatic Global Discounts

Unlike manual discounts, with automatic discounting you can quickly set the value of the discount, and how to apply it:

The discount can be either a fixed value or percentage, applicable on rooms, extras, or everything.
Also, when you want to apply a fixed discount, you can choose in what "order" to apply it, whether by increasing VAT order, decreasing VAT order, or with equal distribution: