This section allows you to view the list of your issued documents, to export them or to issue a new document unconnected with a reservation. You can reach it from the following link:
↳ Useful Link: ZaK > Finance > Documents
Search filters
At the top you can filter your search by creation and deletion date. Or you can click on "Advanced Search" to find further filters:
- Agency/Corporate
- Document Type: invoice, receipt, credit note, etc.
- Amount (from... to...)
- Sending status: communication status with the recipient of the document (i.e. an institution), which is different from country to country. For example, for Italy it may be "Agenzia delle Entrate" or the cash register. ATTENTION: this refers only to the sending status and not to the reply status.
- Emailed Status: whether you have emailed the document to the guest or not
- Cancellation Status: if you only want to view deleted or non-deleted documents
- Reservation code: you can write here the reservation code for which you issued that document
- Team User: to find only documents issued by a specific user (if you use the Zak Team)
- Header you used to issue that document (if it is a header you removed, choose "Cancelled Header")
- Document Number: if you remember the number of the document you are looking for, you can write it here
Search results
you have entered your filters and started your search, you will see all
the related documents in the table below. For each one ZaK shows:
Number of that document
- Any related documents, such as a credit note
Header you used to issue that document
Creation date, i.e. when it was issued
- Customer to whom you invoiced
Reservation for which you issued the document
- Emailed: whether you have emailed the document to the guest or not
- Sending: communication status with the recipient of the document (i.e. an institution), which is different from country to country. For example, for Italy it may be "Agenzia delle Entrate" or the cash register. ATTENTION: this refers only to the sending status and not to the reply status.
- Team User: user who issued that document, if you use the Zak Team
- Amount: amount of the document, with its currency
: if it is a deleted document, you will find a red X in this column
- Actions: from here you can open the detail of that document
The "Order by" field allows you to sort the results as you prefer. For example by creation date, by amount, by number, etc:
By clicking on the EXPORT button you can download the results of your search in a .csv file. You have three possibilities:
- Export Search Results: to export the results of the current search. If you do not want to export them all, you can manually tick only those to be exported.
- Export Vat: to export the details of your documents, with information on VAT, tax code, municipality, etc.
- Export Daily Vat: to export the daily details of your documents. It's the same as point 2, but this is daily.
Document unconnected with a reservation
You may also need to issue documents without a linked reservation. For example if your property also has a bar, spa, product sales, etc. This is the right section to do that! Click on the NEW DOCUMENT
button on the top right. You will be redirected to the usual page to
issue a document, where you can define the services to be invoiced and
record the related payment.