Je ne peux pas visualiser/enregistrer les données

If it happens that you are unable to view data on your Woodoo control panel or fail to save modifications because you cannot see the changes, or see data that you have not set, or other similar problems ... do not be alarmed!

In almost all cases this is not a malfunction of the system, but graphic problems due to the device you use: usually are due to the cache memory (memory for temporary files) of your browser.

@ Web: Web cache

To make a test and see if it is indeed a problem of this type, you can try to access WuBook using a different browser or a different device, another computer, or a tablet.

If using another browser or another device it works fine, to be able to use it from the original computer with your default browser simply delete the historical on the browser and restart it.

If the problem remains, of course, do not hesitate to contact us:

@ Web: Help Form