ZaK - zCrm: Estimate detail, Messages and Guest page

Detail of the estimate

From the Estimates section you can click on the estimate number or on the "Manage estimate" action. You will access the page dedicated to that estimate, where you can view all the specific data or edit something (guest email/phone, expiry date, rooms).

On the top right you will find 5 possible actions:
  • Open the guest page, i.e. the preview of how the guest sees that quote
  • Archive that quote
  • Add a proposal in that quote, i.e. additional room/date proposals for the customer to choose from
  • Send a new message to the customer, via email or Whatsapp
  • Delete that quote permanently

Back Office confirmation

An estimate can be confirmed by the customer. Or the property staff can also confirm it and turn it into a reservation. This can be done from the estimate detail by clicking on the "Book" button:

You only have to choose the status to create the reservation and whether or not to send the voucher:


In the estimate detail you will also find the messages that you sent to the customer and the messages that the customer sent to you. The customer can contact you from the estimate you send him, by clicking on the specific button at the bottom:

If you have an unread message from the customer, it will appear in yellow in the estimate detail. And you can reply by clicking on "Send Message":

Or, if you want to add another proposal to the estimate, you can click on "Add offer" to generate the offer and then send it by email:

NOTE: You will receive an email notification each time a guest sends you a request from the Booking Engine or his estimate link.

Guest Page

From the Estimates section, you can click on the "Open guest page" action. Or, from the estimate detail, you can click on the "Guest Page" action. You will access a preview of how the customer will see your quote.
First of all he will find the photos of your property, the estimate number, the expiry date and the price of the selected proposal. In fact, if you added multiple proposals inside the quote, these will all be shown here (Proposal N. 1, Proposal N. 2, etc.), each with its price.
When the customer clicks on a proposal, he will find the specific details below:
  • included rooms
  • included extras (if any)
  • board
  • cancellation policy
  • summary of dates, occupancy and price
  • button to write to the property (in case he wants to ask something before booking)