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Bookland - The statistics

On the section Bookland you can find our statistics: you will be able to test the efficacy of your internet reservations system.

On the section Bookland/Bookland you will find "traces" of all access to your online reception. If the reservation wasn't completed, the step where the online reception was abandoned is specified, together with the open date and the customers' origin.

↳ Useful links: Auth Factory > WuBook/WooDoo > Home > Analytics

Only few daily traces suggest that the online reception is open infrequently and that it is recommended to work on your website visibility and efficacy (where the booking engine is set up).

If there are a lot of daily traces but only few reservations, it could be due to a wrong configuration of your WuBooK system (e.g. no pictures or descriptions, the prices are out of market etc.)

☞ Docs: Increase direct bookings!

The section Bookland/Wubook analyzes the details of the confirmed/cancelled reservations, received from your online reception. You will be able to produce your reports choosing on your own the periods to analyze.You will find the numerical data regarding the applications received, the reservations (/excluded the cancellations), conversion percentage (/excluded the cancellations); you will find also diagrams increasing these data by report the received reservations, the amounts, the origin of your customers, the main requested periods, the stay duration, the stay advance payment and many other data that are enriched continuously.

The section Bookland/Wubook allows you to generate statistics gathering together the reservation by check-in date or by reservation date. You will meet some numerical data, concerning confirmed and cancelled reservations, reserved room-nights, the medium duration of stay, the stay advance payment. Finally you will find diagrams exploring the source channels.

The section Bookland/Wubook allows you to analyze the costs/earnings report of your Fount, our developers continuously integrate the statistics items also thanks to your requests on the forum, developing specific reports for each fount activated (Google Hotel ADS, TripAdvisor, Trivago...).