ZaK - Availability Mapper

Clicking on the "Availability Mapper" icon will open a window focused on your availability, planned to speed up and simplify your daily work. In fact, if you are talking to a guest and you need to enter his reservation, just click on the icon (accessible from almost any page) and you will immediately have the focus on your availability. This is the icon:

By clicking on it, you will find a useful overview of your property's availability. It is very easy to read:
  • green: there is still availability and you can enter a reservation
  • red: there is no more availability for that day and that room


As you can see, on the top you can add some filters, in addition to the date to be displayed. You can:

  • Choose to view availability for all your physical rooms:

  • Choose to view availability for one room type only, without showing also individual physical rooms:

  • Choose to display all physical rooms, but for one room type only:

Entering a reservation

By clicking on the green boxes, you can enter a new reservation. The window that will open is the same as the Planner or zView:

You can now proceed with the entry of the reservation, choosing between the options "Fast Save" or "YouBook".

You can find more information on how to enter it in the following documentation: