WooDoo - Creation of promotions for Airbnb

This section allows you to create as many Airbnb promotions as you like. So you don't need to log in to Airbnb, you can do this from your Channel Manager!

First, you need to log into WooDoo and click on the Airbnb channel at the following section:

↳ Useful Link: WooDoo > Channel Manager > Channels

Within the Airbnb channel, you will find the "Seasonal Rules" section at the bottom of the page. Here click on "Configure":

You can now proceed to create a new offer, defining a title and a color:

You can choose between 4 kinds of rules:

  • Seasonal Adjustment: a discount that you can set for a specific time period. You can set whether the discount should be fixed or percentage and how much it should be:

  • Early Booking: a discount for those who book a few days in advance. You can set whether the discount should be fixed or percentage, how much the discount should be and how much the advance:

  • Long Stay: a discount for those who stay for a minimum of a few days. You can set whether the discount should be fixed or percentage, how much the discount should be and how long the minimum stay should be:

  • Last Minute: a discount dedicated to those who book shortly before the check-in date. You can set whether the discount should be fixed or percentage, how much the discount should be and how much the advance:

Below you can further customize your offer, but it is not mandatory. Then click on "Save":

Once created the offer, at "Associate Listings and Dates" section you'll be able to choose which listing to associate with that offer and in which period the offer will be valid: