WooDoo - Channel BBPlanet

Connection guide

Connecting BBPlanet with the Channel Manager

1. To connect the BBPlanet channel with our WooDoo Channel Manager, it takes just a few simple steps.

First, you need to go to the WOODOO section within the WuBook extranet:

You will be faced with a screen split in half: on the left-hand side is the YOUR CHANNELS section for managing your OTAs,

while on the right-hand side is the AVAILABLE CHANNELS menu where you can add any new booking channels to be connected.

2. Click on the + next to AVAILABLE CHANNELS:

You will see a list of all OTAs integrated with WooDoo, so potentially linkable to our Channel Manager. Select BBPlanet from the list

of channels and click on the small orange + next to the name:

The BBPlanet channel will now be added to the YOUR CHANNELS list.

3. Click on the name BBPlanet.

A page will open: please enter the required data, provided by the OTA for the connection with the Channel Manager.

In order to " start " the connection you don't need the approval of the portal staff: you just have to enter in the WooDoo interface of the channel

the channel manager connection credentials that you will find on the BBPlanet extranet by visiting the section:

    Utility > Channel Manager

! ATTENTION ! In order to be able to correctly manage the connection via channel manager with BBPlanet, you have to set up the reservation model "Instant Booking" on the OTA.

You will have to wait for the channel to be activated. As soon as it is ready for the configuration, you will receive an email.

Now logout and login from your WuBook account, then return to the page of the channel (Woodoo-Channels-BBPlanet).


4. Scroll now to the section ROOMS ASSOCIATION. Here, assign to each room created with BBPlanet the corresponding room WuBook and save.

NB: The same room should not be associated more than once in this table.

Check that you have enabled Instant Booking.

5. Then scroll down to the PREFERENCES section and click Save.
If you want the closures you set in the WUBOOK RESTRICTIONS rate to always be respected and take precedence over any restrictions rate, leave the flag.

6. At this point, the configuration of BBPlanet is finished and in the WOODOO-Channels section you will notice the central green icon to the right of the channel,

indicating that the channel is correctly configured and active:

ATTENTION: the connection process is the most critical step of the configuration. If even with this guide you do not feel confident to proceed,

you can ask for support to WuBook staff that will be happy to help you during the configuration process.

Reconfiguration guide

Reconfiguring BBPlanet

1. It takes just a few simple steps to reconfigure the BBPlanet channel. First, you need to go to the WOODOO-Channels section and click on the name BBPlanet:

2. Leave the page with the current configuration open and open another page where you are going to reconfigure the channel.

In this way you can copy the old mapping and only add the new room/rate.


3. You scroll down the entire screen until you see the ROOM ASSOCIATION table.
Go ahead and associate the WuBook rooms with the corresponding rooms in BBPlanet.
If you have added a new room with BBPlanet, you will find it in this table and you must associate it with the corresponding WuBook room.
When you are done, click on SAVE.

Check that you have enabled Instant Booking.

4. Then scroll down to the PREFERENCES section and click Save.
If you want the closures you set in the WUBOOK RESTRICTIONS rate to always be respected and take precedence over any restrictions rate, leave the flag.

 At this point, the reconfiguration of BBPlanet is finished and in the WOODOO-Channels section you will notice the central green icon to the right of the channel,

indicating that the channel is correctly configured and active:

ATTENTION: the connection process is the most critical step of the configuration. If even with this guide you do not feel confident to proceed,

you can ask for support to WuBook staff that will be happy to help you during the reconfiguration process.