ZaK - CashFlow

This tool allows you to easily check your daily flow of income or expenditure, or for a specific period of time of your choice.

The summary cards at the top of the page provide a snapshot of the financial situation:

  • Total credits 20xx: Shows the total income recorded for the selected year.
  • Total withdrawals 20xx: Indicates the total withdrawals made in the same period.
  • Current balance: Displays the current balance for the month, with an indication of the percentage variations.
  • Previous month balance: Shows the balance for the previous month for comparison.

It is possible to set filters to search for movements according to different criteria:

It is possible to register new movements manually, which like the automatic ones (registered directly within the reservations), will also be calculated as part of the cash closures.


It is possible to register withdrawals in cash only, as the system only allows withdrawals for cash movements.

☞ Docs: ZaK - Chiusure contabili
↳ Useful link: ZaK > Contabilità > CashFlow

The process for creating a new financial transaction is as follows:

Select the type of movement (Withdrawal or Deposit);

Enter the type of payment;

Define the currency and the amount;

Choose the transaction date;

Link to an existing reservation (Optional)

Add a description of the movement for clarity (Optional)

After filling in the fields, press Save Movement to confirm the registration.

Using the button with the gear icon, it is possible to modify and manage the tags. Here the user can:

  • Assign personalized colors to the tags;
  • Modify the names for a clearer categorization (e.g. “Guest payment”, “Agency commission”, “Maintenance expenses”);
  • Organize the financial movements in precise categories to facilitate analysis.
