Kylix - Food Categories

In this section of Kylix you can create your food categories, the ingredients you use and all the possible variations. Let's see everything below! First of all, the section can be reached from the following link:

↳ Useful link: ZaK > Kylix > My Kylix > Food Categories

1. Categories and Foods

First of all, in the FOODS sub-section you can create all your food categories (e.g. Starters, First courses, Main courses, Side dishes, etc.), by clicking on the "ADD NEW CATEGORY" button. To each category you can assign an optional code of your choice, max 4 characters:

Next to each category you have created, you will then find the "FOOD" button to record all the dishes belonging to that category:

As you see in the image above, for each dish you register you can also specify:

  • code of maximum 4 characters (optional)
  • the vat
  • the price
  • the allergens (which are 14 and standard, so they are not customizable)
  • the ingredients
  • the possible variations with which you offer that dish (e.g. small, medium or large fries)
  • note, to describe the dish or specify something

2. Ingredients

In this sub-section you can create a list of all the ingredients you have in your Restaurant, so that you can use them in the "Foods" sub-section (see point 1). Then by clicking on the "ADD NEW INGREDIENT" button, you can create as many as you want and specify their price:

3. Variations

Finally, in this sub-section you can define all possible variations for your dishes, also these to be used in the "Foods" sub-section (see point 1). For example meat can be well-cooked, rare or medium-rare. Each variation will have its own cost and you can create them by clicking on the "ADD NEW VARIATION" button:

В следующем примере я создал несколько закусок и несколько основных блюд. С помощью иконок также указано:

  • how many and which allergens you have specified for each dish 

  • how many and which ingredients each dish consists of 
  • how many and which variations you have enabled for each dish 

Once defined all the food categories here, you can use them to create your menu (or even more than one, as you may have a specific menu for each area of your restaurant). Remember that both ingredients and allergens will be shown on the menu. On the other hand, variations are only visible to the person taking the order.

☞ Docs: Kylix - Menu

☞ Docs: Kylix - Areas
