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Остановленные услуги, что делать?

In case the services have been deactivated due to non-payment, and you need to reactivate them immediately, you have to make the payment of the transactions.

☞ Docs: Balance of transactions

☞ Docs: Insolvencies and deactivations

Some cases of deactivation are due to an incorrect payment procedure by bank transfer. If you make a bank transfer, you must upload a copy of the accountant in the appropriate section.

When in your Wauth, you see a warning of the service's upcoming expiration, proceed with the payment, or contact the WuBook support service to avoid deactivation problems.

We invite you to enter your credit card details so that payments are made automatically, and you can forget about renewals problems.

Disruption of services due to Service deactivation

As far as the Booking Engine service is concerned, its deactivation involves the reception of reservations from your website. The problem is that you might overlook the email announcing the deactivation. Visit your online online reception regularly.

☞ Docs: Online Reception - WuBook

As for the ZaK service, the deactivation of service involves the access to it! If ZaK and WuBook are connected, the download of reservations is interrupted. You can still download the reservations as soon as you reactivate the ZaK service through the "console" in the ZaK - WuBook connectivity section.

☞ Docs: Zak - All In One (PMS+BE+CM)

The major inconveniences you may incur when deactivating a service are related to the Channel Manager: the OTAs you work with may have incorrect prices and availability. You won't receive reservations from OTAs! Neither cancellations nor changes!
Even if the service has expired, WooDoo still records incoming bookings; once the service is reactivated, you will be able to download all reservations through the > WooDoo > Reservations errors section.  As for availability and price data: after the service's reactivation, you can manually launch updates through the WooDoo - Updates section.

↳ Link: Auth Factory > WooDoo > Channel Manager > Reservation errors

↳ Link: Auth Factory > WooDoo > Channel Manager > Updates

☞ Docs: WuBook - API Integrations (BE+CM)
