ZaK - YouBook: how to create reservations manually

You can record your "direct" reservations from YouBook. This section can be accessed by following the following path:

↳ Link : ZaK > Reservations > YouBook

Youbook is also accessible from the shortcuts on the right sidebar:

and from the Planner when inserting a quick reservation (by clicking on a free box).

YouBook consists of 3 sections: Customer, Available Products, Summary.

1. Customer

The first section is the tool that allows you to insert the customer or search for an already registered one:

When you fill in one of the customer fields, the system automatically proposes the correspondences that may already be present in your customer file. And if you select an existing customer, his previous reservations will be shown.

2. Products

The Available Products section allows you to define the dates of the stay and to choose the room(s). When you indicate the period of stay, ZaK checks which products are available in that period. If you have created several sub-products for your rooms based on occupancy, you can also specify the occupancy (number of Adults, Teenagers, Children and Babies) to further refine your search. You have quick keys for 1/2 occupancy and for numbers 3 and up you can open the drop down menu.

You can also filter rooms by category.

You can also choose if you want to honour the restrictions you've set on Tabla, such as the minimum stay. If you choose to skip the restrictions, you'll be able to enter direct reservations even if they don't respect the restrictions in Tabla.

Finally, you have the "Round Price" box to choose how to round your prices while entering the reservation.

3. Group Mode

In addition to honoring or skipping the restrictions, you can also choose the Group Reservation option: you can quickly select more room categories and more physical rooms by clicking "+". If you have made a mistake, you can always remove them by clicking on the "-" . In the example below, I have chosen 3 Double rooms and 1 Single room.

Here is the documentation on how to enter a group reservation:

☞ Docs: ZaK F.A.Q. - How to make a group reservation?

4. Enable Zym

You can also choose whether to use the prices modified by the Yield Manager or your own prices. By clicking this button, you will create the reservation with the prices modified by the Yield Manager:

Here is the documentation about ZaK Yield Manager:

5. Summary

The right column shows the summary of the reservation data. If needed, you can also add more information by clicking on the edit pencil icon: Reservation status, Check-in time, Cancellation policy, Board, Credit card, Extras, Notes.

Before confirming the reservation, you can choose to send the voucher directly to the customer!

NB: YouBook remembers your preference when you select the option "Send voucher to customer".

☞ Docs: Zak - Reservation status

☞ Docs: Zak - Extra

☞ Docs: Zak - Cancellation Policies

Save the reservation by clicking on the "Book now" button. Zak will then automatically generate the reservation code.


Please note that you can change the reservation details even after saving.
